is a great asset of the subregion, a diversification for tourists,
inspiration for artists, education for folklore enthusiasts. The
Lendians, Sącz Gorals and Black Gorals from the Poprad river banks,
the Lemkos and Polish Uplanders – each of these colourful groups
has its own attire, music and cuisine. You can find inspiration in
Lendians' hats, profusely adorned with ribbons or the mushroom-shaped
and tall wool caps of the Polish Uplanders.The women wear floral
skirts which interlace with printed thin skirts. The traditional
embroidered hearts and heart-shaped patterns, posies, ribbons, caps
and beads – characteristic of folk costumes, serve as an
inspiration to the modern fashion and ornamentation style, called
Wicker, wood, canvas, metal and clay are powerful
materials, and ornamental baskets, dishes, embroidery and paintings
contain authentic beauty. Traditional crafts have their ambassadors
among numerous folk artists. Among them, bobbin lace is of special
interest, with its centre in Bobowa, known for the International
Bobbin Lace Festival.